Are you a member of Generation X? If so, you’re in good company. There are plenty of things that make us unique, and we wouldn’t want to be any other way! Here are three of the most notable characteristics that set us apart from other generations.

This is the generation that is credited with being the most independent. We are a generation that doesn’t necessarily believe in labels. And we are a generation of change-makers. Boomers say we don’t save enough, or build wealth enough or blah blah blah. Well, we don’t care. WE WERE BUILT TO FIGURE ALL THAT OUT. Coupled with that, we certainly don’t worry too much about how you feel about us. We are plucky and gutsy AF.
Gen Xers are resilient. We were the ones coming home from school and took care of ourselves in an empty house. According to a piece in Forbes (see link below), “That self-reliance is starting to show itself in some of the data regarding Gen X. In fact, in [a recent survey], when asked about how they will use their tax return, the older Gen X cohort of ages 44-54, focused predominantly on paying down debt (17%), putting money in emergency savings (17%), and investing, either in their own or their child’s education account (11%). For younger Gen Xers and Xennials ages 35-43, there was even more of a focus on debt paydown (39%), adding to savings (26%) and investing (17 %). Hence, pah-HA!!
Work/life balance is our jam! We work hard and aren’t afraid of taking time off to play hard as well! Boomers who value company loyalty over all else helped Gen Xers see a whole new set of priorities with regard to that balance and gave them the impetus to healthy boundary setting. In other words, if you’re off the clock and your boss sends you an urgent email, you’d be wise to ask yourself what a Gen Xer would do. (Hint: Just say ‘no.’)
So what does this mean for Generation X in the world?
This is a generation that is used to hard work and being self-sufficient. Equally important, are also more open-minded and tolerant than our predecessors. This makes us an asset in the world, as we can navigate between different generations and cultures with ease. That said, what do you think sets Generation X apart from other generations?
And what does this have to do with me and photography? I am launching my new campaign! GEN X! I want to document you right now. Where are you with your life? What are the things that shaped you? What is your character? I want to capture and document that in the most incredible and gutsy photographs you have ever seen of yourself!

To inquire about a shoot with me, go here
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Photography, Portraits